Hackernews posts about FDA
FDA is an independent federal agency responsible for ensuring the safety and effectiveness of medical products, including drugs, vaccines, and devices, prior to their approval for use in the United States.
- After decades, FDA moves to pull ineffective decongestant off shelves (arstechnica.com)
- US FDA finds widely used asthma drug impacts the brain (www.reuters.com)
- LED device treats leading cause of vision loss with light therapy, FDA says (www.livescience.com)
- A critical history of the FDA (www.midwesterndoctor.com)
- How the FDA allows companies to add secret ingredients to our food (www.latimes.com)
- Will Trump Appoint a Great FDA Commissioner? (marginalrevolution.com)
- NPA Wins Legal Victory Against FDA on NMN (www.npanational.org)
- Who should be our next FDA Commissioner? (moreisdifferent.blog)
- Justices hear FDA case on flavored vapes (www.scotusblog.com)
- Rollercoaster ride in "Unexo" warning letter (www.fda.gov)
- Horrifying medical device malfunction: Abdominal implant erupts from leg (arstechnica.com)
- Bypassing regulatory locks, hacking AirPods and Faraday cages (lagrangepoint.substack.com)
- The two factions of C++ (herecomesthemoon.net)
- The capacitor that Apple soldered incorrectly at the factory (www.downtowndougbrown.com)
- Facebook's Little Red Book (www.map.cv)
- Netflix buffering issues: Boxing fans complain about Jake Paul vs. Mike Tyson (www.sportingnews.com)
- Fair coins tend to land on the side they started (2023) (www.researchgate.net)
- FireDucks: Pandas but Faster (hwisnu.bearblog.dev)
- Francois Chollet is leaving Google (developers.googleblog.com)
- The tech utopia fantasy is over (blog.avas.space)