Hackernews posts about MDN
MDN is Mozilla Developer Network, an online resource that provides documentation and learning materials for web developers, particularly those interested in HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and other web technologies.
- A new learning experience on MDN (developer.mozilla.org)
- Added ungap/raw-JSON Ponyfill (github.com)
- Luigi Mangione's account has been renamed on Stack Overflow (substack.evancarroll.com)
- Scale Model of Boeing 777-300ER, Made from Manila Folders (www.lucaiaconistewart.com)
- A minimax chess engine in regular expressions (nicholas.carlini.com)
- Israel, Hamas reach ceasefire deal to end 15 months of war in Gaza (www.reuters.com)
- 'United Healthcare' using DMCA against Luigi Mangione images (abovethelaw.com)
- EU law mandating universal chargers for devices comes into force (www.france24.com)
- Thoughts on a month with Devin (www.answer.ai)
- PostgreSQL is the Database Management System of the Year 2024 (db-engines.com)
- Mac Mini G4 – The best « classic » Macintosh for retro-gaming? (www.xtof.info)
- What Is miniKanren? (minikanren.org)
- Understanding Memory Management, Part 1: C (educatedguesswork.org)
- China is the manufacturing superpower (cepr.org)
- The essays of Michel de Montaigne online (hyperessays.net)
- Mandelbrot deep zoom theory and practice (2021) (mathr.co.uk)
- JPMorgan Workers Ponder Union in Wake of Return-to-Office Mandate (www.barrons.com)
- Polyamory doesn't liberate; monogamy doesn't protect (carsonogenic.substack.com)
- How hucksters are manipulating Google to promote shady Chrome extensions (arstechnica.com)
- Show HN: Minimal, self-hosted exercise tracker (github.com)