Hackernews posts about My4TH
- The Mythology of Work (2018) (crimethinc.com)
- Theoi Greek Mythology (www.theoi.com)
- New Research Shatters the Perfect Pitch Myth (scitechdaily.com)
- The Myth Buster: Rodney Brooks Breaks Down the Hype Around AI (www.newsweek.com)
- Myths of Human Genetics (udel.edu)
- The Mythical Silver Bullet (strategicengineering.substack.com)
- Three myths about NPM Malware (sourcecodered.com)
- Myth 39: Technical Debt Is the Developers' Problem (www.rebelscrum.site)
- Trump Administration Keeps Citing an Untrue Stat as It Targets Federal Workers (www.propublica.org)
- Real Time Web Defacement incidents notification (unit500.python-myth.info)
- Unit500 now supoprts defacements,DDoS and Ransom (unit500.python-myth.info)
- Unit500 – new ransom tracking site (unit500.python-myth.info)
- Unity continues mass layoffs with 'abrupt' communications and 5am emails (www.gamedeveloper.com)
- The Good Old Days (www.goodolddays.net)
- Generate Blazor Admin CRUD Apps from a Text Prompt (servicestack.net)
- Generate Blazor Admin CRUD Apps with Text to Blazor (servicestack.net)
- My4th Light – Custom 8-Bit Forth CPU (mynor.org)
- Show HN: I combined spaced repetition with emails so you can remember anything (www.ginkgonotes.com)
- The Alpha Myth: How captive wolves led us astray (anthonydavidadams.substack.com)
- The Myth of the Second Chance (ft.pressreader.com)
- The end of a myth: Distributed transactions can scale (muratbuffalo.blogspot.com)
- Mythbusters: Wing Commander I Edition (www.wcnews.com)
- The C Programming Language: Myths and Reality (www.lelanthran.com)
- Some blogging myths (jvns.ca)
- Lemming Suicide Myth: Disney Film Faked Bogus Behavior (www.adfg.alaska.gov)
- The Mythical IO-Bound Rails App (byroot.github.io)
- Human microbiome myths and misconceptions (www.nature.com)
- The Ultraviolet Myth (www.arxiv.org)
- The Apple IIGS Megahertz Myth (www.userlandia.com)
- The Mythical Non-Roboticist (generalrobots.substack.com)
- The RAM Myth (purplesyringa.moe)
- Debunking the Myth of "Anonymous" Data (www.eff.org)
- The Mythical Non-Roboticist: Wouldn't it be great if everyone could do robotics? (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Myths Programmers Believe about CPU Caches (2018) (software.rajivprab.com)
- The Bluffers Guide to the Mythical Man Month (codemanship.wordpress.com)
- The Myth of Bananaland (worldhistory.substack.com)
- The Myth of the Alpha Wolf (www.newyorker.com)
- The myth of the myth of learning styles (nedbatchelder.com)