Hackernews posts about Nostr
Nostr is a peer-to-peer (P2P) protocol designed to enable reliable and decentralized communication between users.
- Show HN: Nstart, a Nostr's Onbarding Tool (start.njump.me)
- Why I'm Excited About Nostr (mylessnider.com)
- Spam Prevention Ideas for a Nostr Relay with a CouchDB Back End (coucharchitects.com)
- Animation: Nostr Prevents Deplatforming and Censorship (how-nostr-works.pages.dev)
- Nontraditional Red Teams (zachholman.com)
- Nostalgia for Physical Media (www.sicpers.info)
- Something's wrong when Clippy fills you with nostalgia for simpler times (www.theregister.com)
- Russia's nostalgia machine works for strongman Putin (www.japantimes.co.jp)
- The Craft Behind Crafting Interpreters – Bob Nystrom (www.youtube.com)
- Nontraditional Red Teams (zachholman.com)
- What I learned gathering nootropic ratings (apparent-subsribe--tr00f.netlify.app)
- Getting Nostalgic with the Coherent Operating System (itsfoss.com)
- Show HN: I developed a nostalgic Pokemon web game – Pokemon Journey Together (pokemonjourneytogether.com)
- Nontraditional Red Teams (zachholman.com)
- Show HN: 10biForthOS a full 8086 OS in 46 bytes (git.sr.ht)
- Show HN: Bring 8-Bit Sound Effects to Neovim (github.com)
- Meta Project Aria - Smart Glasses Research Kit (www.projectaria.com)
- Introducing Ads in Threads (www.facebook.com)
- Using AI to decode language from the brain (ai.meta.com)
- "The Linux Memory Manager" by Lorenzo Stoakes (nostarch.com)
- The old, lost art of the newspaper column (stutz.substack.com)