Hackernews posts about NSO
NSO is an Israeli-based company that develops and sells advanced cyber surveillance software, including Pegasus, a notorious spyware tool capable of zero-click exploits and mass surveillance capabilities.
- US judge finds NSO Group liable for hacking journalists via WhatsApp (www.reuters.com)
- Meta's WhatsApp wins ruling holding spyware maker NSO liable for hacking (www.washingtonpost.com)
- US court finds spyware maker NSO liable for WhatsApp hacks (www.bleepingcomputer.com)
- Order granting summary judgement WhatsApp vs. NSO Group [pdf] (storage.courtlistener.com)
- US judge finds Pegasus spyware maker liable over WhatsApp hack (www.theguardian.com)
- Autodesk deletes old forum posts suddenly (forums.autodesk.com)
- Rational or not? This basic math question took decades to answer (www.quantamagazine.org)
- Walter Isaacson: My So-Called Writing Life (2014) (lehnews.wordpress.com)
- The Global Loss of the U-Shaped Curve of Happiness (www.afterbabel.com)
- Palestinian Authority Suspends Al Jazeera Operations in the West Bank (www.aljazeera.com)
- Jensen Huang and the quantum computing stock market crash (scottaaronson.blog)
- Microsoft makes powerful Phi-4 model open-source on Hugging Face (venturebeat.com)
- Get Tenure (matt.might.net)
- Poison Ivy (2014) (www.newyorker.com)
- The Physicist Decoding the Nonbinary Nature of the Subatomic World (www.quantamagazine.org)
- The Isolated Sentinelese People of North Sentinel Island (www.forbes.com)
- Developer tool is 40 years old: can it be improved? (stackoverflow.blog)
- AI in 2025: Building Blocks Firmly in Place (www.sequoiacap.com)
- Privatize the FDA (www.neelsomaniblog.com)
- Can AI Models Show Us How People Learn? Impossible Languages Point a Way (www.quantamagazine.org)
- Commoncog Recap (commoncog.com)
- Will We Get AGI In 2025? [video] (www.youtube.com)
- No Calls (keygen.sh)
- Nobody cares (grantslatton.com)
- I am rich and have no idea what to do (vinay.sh)