Hackernews posts about NumPy
NumPy is a Python library that provides support for large, multi-dimensional arrays and matrices, and is widely used in scientific computing and data analysis applications.
- Show HN: NumPy+Jax Except with Named Axes (github.com)
- Show HN: Online Python Compiler with Libraries (cliprun.com)
- Llama 3 implemented in pure NumPy (docs.likejazz.com)
- Beating NumPy matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C (salykova.github.io)
- CuPy: NumPy and SciPy for GPU (github.com)
- NumPy 2.0 (numpy.org)
- JAX – NumPy on the CPU, GPU, and TPU (jax.readthedocs.io)
- MLX: NumPy like framework for Apple Silicon by Apple (ml-explore.github.io)
- NumPy-style broadcasting in Futhark (futhark-lang.org)
- A pure NumPy implementation of Mamba (github.com)
- Show HN: Word2vec Algorithm in ~100sloc with NumPy (github.com)
- Road to NumPy 2.0 (hackmd.io)
- How to share a NumPy array between processes (superfastpython.com)
- NumPy QuadDType: Quadruple Precision for Everyone (labs.quansight.org)
- Optimized Rust is Still Slower Than Python+NumPy (github.com)
- When NumPy is too slow (pythonspeed.com)
- NumPy 2.0 Is Released (numpy.org)
- FTX insurance fund generated with numpy.random() (hachyderm.io)
- Beating NumPy's matrix multiplication in 150 lines of C code (salykova.github.io)
- Show HN: Fastest vector database made in NumPy (github.com)
- NumPy 2.0.0 (github.com)
- NumPy for Numpties (if you know, you know) (thepythoncodingstack.substack.com)
- Python NumPy to Elixir-Nx (www.thestackcanary.com)
- NumPy 2.0 Development Status (github.com)