Hackernews posts about PyTorch
PyTorch is an open-source machine learning library for Python that provides a seamless interface between dynamic computation graphs and automatic differentiation.
- Building a Hand-Drawn Digit Recognizer with PyTorch and Mnist (zackproser.com)
- Grokking Implementations in Jax/Flax and PyTorch (amund.blog)
- Show HN: LeetGPU – LeetCode for GPU Programming (leetgpu.com)
- Show HN: Afiyah – Snap, Understand Ingredients, Live Clean (a3l17lcdgz1ezx-7860.proxy.runpod.net)
- Basics of Graph Neural Networks (lightning.ai)
- A supply chain attack on PyTorch (johnstawinski.com)
- PyTorch 2.0 (pytorch.org)
- Implementation of Mamba in one file of PyTorch (github.com)
- PyTorch for WebGPU (praeclarum.org)
- PyTorch Library for Running LLM on Intel CPU and GPU (github.com)
- Accelerating Generative AI with PyTorch II: GPT, Fast (pytorch.org)
- Using uv with PyTorch (docs.astral.sh)
- PyTorch Native Architecture Optimization: Torchao (pytorch.org)
- Run Llama locally with only PyTorch on CPU (github.com)
- Build and train GPT-2 from scratch using PyTorch (differ.blog)
- What happens when you vectorize wide PyTorch expressions? (probablymarcus.com)
- A PyTorch Approach to ML Infrastructure (www.run.house)
- BoTorch – Bayesian Optimization in PyTorch (botorch.org)
- Bfloat16 support coming to Apple's Metal and PyTorch [video] (developer.apple.com)
- Designing bridge trusses with Pytorch autograd (github.com)
- Computational Chemistry Using PyTorch (github.com)
- AMD adds support for PyTorch development on select RDNA 3 GPUs with ROCm 5.7 (community.amd.com)
- AMD AI Software Solved – MI300X Pricing, Perf, PyTorch, FlashAttention, Triton (www.semianalysis.com)
- PyTorch 101: Understanding Graphs, Automatic Differentiation and Autograd (www.digitalocean.com)
- PyTorch Edge (pytorch.org)