Hackernews posts about OpenSearch
- Benchmarking OpenSearch and Elasticsearch (blog.trailofbits.com)
- AWS moves OpenSearch under the Linux Foundation umbrella (techcrunch.com)
- OpenSearch moves under Linux Foundation umbrella (www.linuxfoundation.org)
- Linux Foundation Announces OpenSearch Software Foundation (www.linuxfoundation.org)
- Today AWS Transferred OpenSearch to Linux Foundation (www.linuxfoundation.org)
- OpenSearch Moved into a Foundation (aws.amazon.com)
- Using AWS Serverless OpenSearch VectorDB+LangChain+OpenAI to Do RAG (www.cianclarke.com)
- OpenSearchCon 2023 CFP is open (opensearch.org)
- Top Elasticsearch and opensearch voices to follow in 2025 (pulse.support)
- AWS Transfers OpenSearch to the Linux Foundation (thenewstack.io)
- AWS brings OpenSearch under the Linux Foundation umbrella (techcrunch.com)
- Our OpenSearch Just Died (radekmie.dev)
- Open Search GPT (opensearch-ai.pages.dev)
- Show HN: Desktop GUI clien for NoSQL database like Elasticsearch and OpenSearch (dockit.geekfun.club)
- Elasticsearch and OpenSearch schema rough edges (quesma.com)
- Migrating semi-structured search from OpenSearch to ClickHouse (www.highlight.io)
- OpenSearch is now part of the Linux foundation (techcrunch.com)
- Query Builder in Golang for Opensearch (medium.com)
- The OpenSearch Project Leadership Committee (opensearch.org)
- Fast and Efficient Search with OpenSearch and MinIO (blog.min.io)
- Somehow, OpenSearch Has Succeeded (www.infoworld.com)
- OpenSearch/Elasticsearch Migrations (github.com)
- Transition from Amazon CloudSearch to Amazon OpenSearch Service (aws.amazon.com)