Hackernews posts about Elasticsearch
Elasticsearch is an open-source search and analytics engine that allows users to index, search, and analyze large volumes of data in real-time.
- VectorChord-BM25: PostgreSQL Search with BM25 – 3x Faster Than Elasticsearch (blog.vectorchord.ai)
- Elasticsearch Was Great, but Vector Databases Are the Future (thenewstack.io)
- Benchmarking OpenSearch and Elasticsearch (blog.trailofbits.com)
- Elasticsearch Hybrid Search in Practice (softwaredoug.com)
- Elasticsearch Turns 15 (www.elastic.co)
- 10x Compression vs. Elasticsearch for Smart Vehicle Data (tdengine.com)
- Building an Elasticsearch Alternative on Postgres: Mixing Files and Blocks (www.paradedb.com)
- Elasticsearch Hybrid Search in Practice (softwaredoug.com)
- Elasticsearch vs. Vespa Performance Comparison (blog.vespa.ai)
- Elasticsearch vs Apache Doris (medium.com)
- VectorChord-BM25: Postgres BM25 Search – 3x Faster Than Elasticsearch (blog.vectorchord.ai)
- Show HN: PG-Capture – a better way to sync Postgres with Algolia (or Elastic) (pg-capture.onrender.com)
- Show HN: MeetNewBooks – Book recommendations for those who read for fun (www.meetnewbooks.com)
- BM25 in PostgreSQL (blog.vectorchord.ai)
- Elasticsearch is open source, again (www.elastic.co)
- Full text search over Postgres: Elasticsearch vs. alternatives (blog.paradedb.com)
- ElasticSearch and many other repos are gone (github.com)
- Somehow Amazon's Open Source Fork of Elasticsearch Has Succeeded (www.infoworld.com)
- The Elasticsearch Rant (xeiaso.net)
- The River of Bytes: Elasticsearch Data Transfer Cost Optimization (tech.forter.com)
- Elasticsearch Was Great, but Vector Databases Are the Future (thenewstack.io)
- Meilisearch vs. Elasticsearch (blog.meilisearch.com)
- Serverless Elasticsearch (www.elastic.co)
- The Elasticsearch Rant (xeiaso.net)
- Unveiling Elasticsearch Query Language (ES|QL) (www.elastic.co)
- ChatGPT and Elasticsearch: OpenAI meets private data (www.elastic.co)
- Elasticsearch Relevance Engine – For AI Search (www.elastic.co)
- Elasticsearch vs. Vespa Performance Comparison (blog.vespa.ai)
- ClickHouse vs. Elasticsearch: The Mechanics of Count Aggregations (clickhouse.com)
- Elasticsearch Hybrid Search in Practice (softwaredoug.com)
- Elasticsearch Is Dead, Long Live Lexical Search (milvus.io)
- Elasticsearch: Some public repositories are temporarily unavailable (status.elastic.co)
- Vinted Search Scaling: Goodbye Elasticsearch, Hello Vespa Search Engine (vinted.engineering)