Hackernews posts about Opera
Opera is a popular web browser known for its innovative features and user-friendly interface.
- Operator research preview (openai.com)
- Snowdrop OS – a homebrew operating system from scratch, in assembly language (sebastianmihai.com)
- Operation Leg – a pilot unlike any other (2020) (www.rafbf.org)
- Linux as co-operative Windows process (2017) (www.colinux.org)
- February 22, 1985 Operation Beluga (todayinhistory.blog)
- Are electric cars that much cheaper to operate? (www.pavlinbg.com)
- Show HN: CopyCat (YC W25) – Free Alternative to OpenAI's $200 Operator (www.runcopycat.com)
- Digital River has ceased operations (www.thelayoff.com)
- Just used ChatGPT Operator to book a flight (old.reddit.com)
- A new operation: Workflow Update (temporal.io)
- Show HN: AI Operator on Your Mac (github.com)
- With Explosive Goggles, Ukraine Sought to Blast Russian Drone Operators (www.nytimes.com)
- Getaround announces wind-down of U.S. operations (coverager.com)
- JWST facing potential cuts to its operational budget (spacenews.com)
- Open-CUAK: "OpenAI Operator" Now Goes Open Source (github.com)