Hackernews posts about Prolog
Prolog is a logic-based programming language that uses Horn clauses to represent knowledge and reason about it using deduction.
- The Simplicity of Prolog (bitsandtheorems.com)
- Scryer Prolog NPM package (experimental) (github.com)
- Clojure Bindings for Scryer Prolog (github.com)
- The Semantics of Testing. Also, Quads (github.com)
- The Impact of Prolonged Screen Time (lookaway.app)
- Use Prolog to improve LLM's reasoning (shchegrikovich.substack.com)
- The Power of Prolog (www.metalevel.at)
- Game Programming in Prolog (thingspool.net)
- Prolog language for PostgreSQL proof of concept (github.com)
- Prolog for data science (emiruz.com)
- Using Prolog as the AST (marcellerusu.com)
- Why did Prolog lose steam? (2010) (www.kmjn.org)
- Coding Guidelines for Prolog (2011) (arxiv.org)
- Using Prolog in Windows NT Network Configuration (1996) (web.archive.org)
- Programming Language choices: Pascal, LOGO, Forth, Prolog, C (1986) [video] (clp.bbcrewind.co.uk)
- 50 Years of Prolog: Becoming More Declarative [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Prolog and Natural-Language Analysis (1987) [pdf] (www.mtome.com)
- Developing a Go bot embedding Ichiban Prolog (rogersm.net)
- Differences Between miniKanren and Prolog (minikanren.org)
- Trealla Prolog: Compact and efficient Prolog interpreter (trealla-prolog.github.io)
- Native compilation of Prolog predicates with Cranelift [pdf] (files.adrianistan.eu)
- (Logic) Prolog, Erlang, Elixir a side-by-side reference sheet (hyperpolyglot.org)
- Prolog Formulation of the Constitution of Japan (github.com)
- Honda's first US-market EV is here–the 2024 Prologue, driven (arstechnica.com)
- A Bicycle for the Mind – Prologue (technicshistory.com)
- Prolog-rs: Minimal Prolog implemented in Rust (github.com)
- P-99: Ninety-Nine Prolog Problems (www.ic.unicamp.br)
- The Art of Prolog, Second Edition (mitpress.mit.edu)
- Mathematicians use Prolog, find 27 tickets guaranteed to win UK National Lottery (www.newscientist.com)
- Prolog-pong: Pong in Linux terminal with Prolog (github.com)