Hackernews posts about React Native
React Native is an open-source framework for building cross-platform mobile applications using JavaScript and React.
- New React Native Framework for Enterprise (dev.grabbou.xyz)
- Expo AI Chatbot: Fastest Way to Create React Native AI Chatbot Apps (www.expoaichatbot.com)
- Ignite Cookbook for React Native – Ignite Cookbook for React Native (ignitecookbook.com)
- Lynx by ByteDance vs. React Native (appwrite.io)
- Show HN: React Native Package Checker – Analyze New Architecture Compatibility (react-native-package-checker.vercel.app)
- Show HN: A New Way to Learn Languages (www.langturbo.com)
- Show HN: LoomLetter – an app to organize newsletters and listen on the go (www.loomletter.app)
- Show HN: Coupling - A Language Learning App for Couples (couplingcafe.com)
- Show HN: Built an app that helps ppl turn their phone into a study/work partner (www.focusminny.app)
- On device Llama Inference Benchmarks (docs.swmansion.com)
- Five years of React Native at Shopify (shopify.engineering)
- Tamagui – UI kit that unify React Native and Web (tamagui.dev)
- React Native 0.72 – Symlink Support, Better Errors, and more (reactnative.dev)
- Iconify for React Native (github.com)
- Show HN: NativeWindUI – Native Feeling TailwindUI for React Native (nativewindui.com)
- Communicating with React Native Web Views (making.close.com)
- Pre-Built iOS Binaries: Reducing React Native Dev Start Time to Seconds (www.monarchmoney.com)
- Pre-Built Ready to Use React Native Components (withfra.me)
- React Native Animations (www.animatereactnative.com)
- React Native team says "Use Expo" (reactnative.dev)
- React Native: New Architecture is here (reactnative.dev)
- Uniffi for React Native: Rust-Powered Turbo Modules (hacks.mozilla.org)