Hackernews posts about Flutter
Flutter is an open-source mobile application development framework created by Google that allows developers to build natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase.
- Show HN: We built Lovable for Mobile Apps (uses Flutter) (www.getavid.dev)
- Voice-Powered Flutter App Generation with Tiram.ai (www.tiram.ai)
- What's New in Flutter 3.29 (medium.com)
- Show HN: Create technical diagrams with snapping, LaTeX, and more (app.vexlio.com)
- Show HN: WWYD – "What Would You Do?" A Daily Scenario App (apps.apple.com)
- Achyv Success Coach – anyone can become a coach (successcoach.flutterflow.app)
- Large Language Models Show Concerning Tendency to Flatter Users (xyzlabs.substack.com)
- Show HN: Flow – A new type of workflow for Deep Research (twitter.com)
- Learning Malbolge (lutter.cc)
- A Letter to the American People (18f.org)
- There Was a Texas Lottery Arbitrage (www.bloomberg.com)
- Why do LLMs fail to count letters in a word? (anands.me)
- We're forking Flutter (flutterfoundation.dev)
- Show HN: Rust GUI Library via Flutter (cjycode.com)
- Jitsi Meet Flutter SDK (jitsi.org)
- Show HN: Shorebird 1.0, Flutter Code Push (github.com)
- Show HN: Celest – Flutter Cloud Platform (celest.dev)
- Dart/Flutter now has macros/metaprogramming (github.com)
- Google layoffs hit Flutter team (old.reddit.com)
- Three mistakes from Dart/Flutter's weak PRNG (www.zellic.io)
- Flutter Web: A Fractal of Bad Design (2020) (hugotunius.se)
- Flutter seems to be having bad times internally (twitter.com)
- How big is the Flutter team? (ln.hixie.ch)
- Shorebird 1.0 – Update your Flutter apps instantly (shorebird.dev)
- Show HN: I made a Flutter app for loneliness. 14000 min of voice messages later: (main.d1lmgoealm7rq0.amplifyapp.com)
- Google’s Flutter expands its support for web apps and WebAssembly (techcrunch.com)
- New Flutter/Dart Features (favtutor.com)
- FlutterFlash - Ship your next Flutter app, at lightning speed (www.flutterfla.sh)
- Python and Flutter teams latest on the Google chopping block (www.theregister.com)