Hackernews posts about RegEx
- Regex Genie (regexgenie.com)
- The issue that spawned the Python Regex split (2008) (bugs.python.org)
- Wrong Regex to Parse Parentheses (aartaka.me)
- Build up your confidence with Regex: 5 Techniques to make it STICK (journal.hexmos.com)
- Fuzzy Regex Matching in Python (maxhalford.github.io)
- AI-Powered Regex (github.com)
- 5 (Wrong) Regex to Parse Parentheses (aartaka.me)
- What is the perfect email regex to use? (www.regular-expressions.info)
- A regex that finds prime numbers (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: A TUI to match you with Who's Hiring jobs (github.com)
- Dataset for your new tiny model (github.com)
- In the US, regenerative farming practices require unlearning past advice (investigatemidwest.org)
- Reexamination of 1975 "Edmund Fitzgerald" Storm Using Today's Technology [pdf] (www.glerl.noaa.gov)
- Science Is Finding Ways to Regenerate Your Heart (www.wsj.com)
- Science Is Finding Ways to Regenerate Your Heart (www.wsj.com)
- Blood Becomes Medicine in a Revolutionary Regeneration Breakthrough (scitechdaily.com)
- AI regenerated Documentary Final moments of Hind Rajab [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Show HN: Logo Spark – Transform your ideas into creative Logos efficiently (logospark.starta.trade)
- It's time for a modern synthesis kernel (2019) (blog.regehr.org)
- Minotaur: A SIMD-Oriented Synthesizing Superoptimizer [pdf] (users.cs.utah.edu)
- A Minimal TTL Processor for Architecture Exploration (1994) (www.bradrodriguez.com)
- Regex character "$" doesn't mean "end-of-string" (sethmlarson.dev)
- Regex engine internals as a library (blog.burntsushi.net)
- Calculate the difference and intersection of any two regexes (phylactery.org)
- RegEx Crossword (2013) (jimbly.github.io)
- Needle: A DFA Based Regex Library That Compiles to JVM ByteCode (justinblank.com)
- Regex Crossword (mathspp.com)
- Show HN: Regex Derivatives (Brzozowski Derivatives) (github.com)
- Giving C++ std:regex a C makeover (nullprogram.com)
- A Regex Barometer (github.com)
- Grasp: Grep Clojure code using clojure.spec regexes (github.com)
- A GPT 3.5 powered tool for generating regex (fuckregex.dev)
- Oh Yes You Can Use Regexes to Parse HTML (stackoverflow.com)
- How a Regex Engine Works Internally (www.regular-expressions.info)
- Regex Isn't Hard (timkellogg.me)
- Why do regexes use `$` and `^` as line anchors? (buttondown.email)
- Regex Crossword (regexcrossword.com)
- A Better Regex Experience (polar.sh)
- Please ask questions (rust-lang/regex) (github.com)
- Regex Licensing (regexlicensing.org)
- Regex matching in P with backreference (2019) (github.com)
- Rex(): a smol regex engine in Go (github.com)
- Why do regexes use `$` and `^` as line anchors? (buttondown.email)
- Show HN: RegexGo – Regex Generator from Examples (www.regexgo.com)