Hackernews posts about Replit
Replit is an online platform that provides a collaborative development environment for coding and programming.
- I Saved $1900 by Ditching Kajabi and Building My Own Platform on Replit (brianchristner.io)
- Replit CEO just retweeted my new app (fileforge.in)
- Replit Agent v2 (blog.replit.com)
- My 8 year old son build a drawing tool with the help of Replit (drawing-camera.replit.app)
- Show HN: A big tech dev experience for an open source CMS (contentfoundry.com)
- Show HN: I made a simple game to measure how well you can keep time (rhythmtapper.pages.dev)
- Show HN: I built a free privacy-first file converter (fileforge.in)
- Show HN: XCEO – the CEO who works for you (github.com)
- Show HN: WorkWeave – AI Tinder but for job matching (workweave.replit.app)
- I asked more than 100 founders how much they pay Vanta (compliance-benchmark.replit.app)
- HubCity (hubcity.replit.app)
- Zillow built production software without a single engineer (venturebeat.com)
- Show HN: Cadavre Exquis – Collaborative Poetry (cadavre-exquis.replit.app)
- Automation vs. Jevons paradox: a web app to model AI impact on employment (ai-employment.replit.app)
- Using Tvix Store to Reduce Nix Storage Costs by 90% (blog.replit.com)
- Reality has a surprising amount of detail (2017) (johnsalvatier.org)
- The reality of long-term software maintenance from the maintainer's perspective (www.construct.net)
- Reliably replicating data between Postgres and ClickHouse (benjaminwootton.com)
- Rare Earths Reality: Ukraine's Nonexistent Deposits (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Do It Yourself Database CDN with Embedded Replicas (turso.tech)
- Rare Earths Reality Check: Ukraine Doesn't Have Minable Deposits (spectrum.ieee.org)
- The Hilarious Reality of LLM Code Generators in Practice (www.youtube.com)