Hackernews posts about Scheme
Scheme is a family of programming languages that originated in the 1970s and are known for their simplicity, flexibility, and focus on functional programming principles.
- Schemesh: Fusion between Unix shell and Lisp REPL (github.com)
- Show HN: Chez Scheme txtar port from Go (git.sr.ht)
- Is Social Security a Ponzi Scheme? (marginalrevolution.com)
- The US Stock Market as a Quasi-Ponzi Scheme (www.priceactionlab.com)
- M.W. Mouse Pointer Schemes for Windows (mw.rat.bz)
- Show HN: Grift Club tracks celebrity crypto schemes (grift.club)
- Schemesh: A Unix shell and Lisp REPL, fused together (github.com)
- Bookmarklets (and Custom URL Schemes) Are Criminally Underrated (silly.business)
- Bookmarklets (and Custom URL Schemes) Are Criminally Underrated (silly.business)
- Two Estonian Nationals Plead Guilty in $577M Cryptocurrency Fraud Scheme (www.justice.gov)
- A record type representation trick for Scheme (weinholt.se)
- Badbox 2.0 Targets Consumer Devices with Multiple Fraud Schemes (www.humansecurity.com)
- The Kawa Scheme Language (www.gnu.org)
- My website color scheme incrementally changes daily (daverupert.com)
- The estate scheme gobbling up Detroit, one digital token at a time (outliermedia.org)
- US indicts 12 Chinese nationals in hacking-for-hire scheme (www.voanews.com)
- Schools to trial social media blackout scheme (www.bbc.com)
- One woman's fight against VIP schemes fueling the US sports betting boom (www.theguardian.com)
- Bookmarklets (and Custom URL Schemes) Are Criminally Underrated (silly.business)
- Uchū – Color palette for internet lovers (uchu.style)