Hackernews posts about Senate
Senate is the upper chamber of the New York State Legislature, comprising 63 members who make laws and hold debates on various issues.
- Bill prohibiting police from lying to children passes Virginia Senate (www.courthousenews.com)
- Senate Bill 21, Establishing the Texas Bitcoin Reserve (www.ltgov.texas.gov)
- Senate votes to strip the CFPB of its power to regulate Twitter (www.theverge.com)
- House and Senate Democratic Boycott Grows Against Trump Address (www.politicususa.com)
- Show HN: Gov Action List – track, monitor, and stay informed on Gov Actions (www.govactionlist.com)
- Wyden to FTC: Stop Companies Offering Bait-and-Switch Sales of Digital Purchases (www.wyden.senate.gov)
- Send a fax online to your Senator (faxzero.com)
- Examining the Security of Federal Facilities (2023) (www.hsgac.senate.gov)
- We're Waiting for the End of the Sentence (twitter.com)
- Senator Ron Wyden on why the internet still needs Section 230 (www.theverge.com)
- Two senators question Air Force nominee's SpaceX connections (spacenews.com)
- Teenage Member of '764' Network Sentenced to 84 Months in Federal Prison (www.justice.gov)
- Another Look at Magic Sentence (miso.beehiiv.com)
- Stress position in German sentences (2021) (german.stackexchange.com)
- Show HN: Harvest – Structure live web data using AI chat (www.goharvest.ai)
- Show HN: ReadVocab – Turn English books into vocabulary flashcards (www.readvocab.com)