Hackernews posts about SQL
SQL is a standard programming language used to manage and manipulate data stored in relational databases, allowing users to execute queries, modify data, and create database structures.
- I Went to SQL Injection Court (sockpuppet.org)
- Show HN: SQL Noir – Learn SQL by solving crimes (www.sqlnoir.com)
- How about trailing commas in SQL? (peter.eisentraut.org)
- Build your own SQLite in Rust, Part 5: Evaluating queries (blog.sylver.dev)
- Siren Call of SQLite on the Server (pid1.dev)
- DOGE employees don't understand the basics of SQL (www.linkedin.com)
- Some useful SQL(ite) tips I've learned (www.jvt.me)
- Show HN: SQL Premier League – Learn SQL with Sports Data (sqlpremierleague.com)
- Siren Call of SQLite on the Server (pid1.dev)
- Elon Musk implies the US Government does not use SQL (twitter.com)
- I'm All-In on Server-Side SQLite (fly.io)
- Writing a Rust SQL Parser in One Week (lakesail.com)
- Optimizing a large SQLite database for reading (jacobfilipp.com)
- Abusing SQLite to Handle Concurrency (blog.skypilot.co)
- Virtual Tables in SQLite with Go (misfra.me)
- Representing Graphs in PostgreSQL with SQL/PGQ (www.enterprisedb.com)