Hackernews posts about Steve
- Steve Ballmer was an underrated CEO (danluu.com)
- Steve Jobs, NeXTSTEP, and early object-oriented programming (2016) (computerhistory.org)
- Rust and C++ with Steve Klabnik and Herb Sutter [audio] (softwareengineeringdaily.com)
- Steve Jobs Archive (stevejobsarchive.com)
- Steven Rudich (1961-2024) (blog.computationalcomplexity.org)
- Interview with Programmer Steve Yegge (sourceforge.net)
- Steve Sims Interview on Soft White Underbelly [video] (www.youtube.com)
- My Unsettling Interview with Steve Bannon (www.nytimes.com)
- Steve Jobs Email Reply Generator (www.geekculture.com)
- Steve Jobs emails Apple execs (2003) (twitter.com)
- The Heirloom Bean Revolution with Steve Sando [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Steven Rudich (1961-2024) (scottaaronson.blog)
- Ex-King CTO and Havok Co-Founder Steve Collins Will Join Unity as New CTO (www.businesswire.com)
- From Liberal Arts Major to Amazon Principal Engineer: Steve Huynh (www.developing.dev)
- Steve: A Framework for AI and Identity Design (www.artbook.com)
- Brian Chesky, CEO of Airbnb, Talks about the Gospel of Steve Jobs (www.theverge.com)
- A Serious Man: Steven Shapin on Bruno Latour (www.jhiblog.org)
- Rust and C++ with Steve Klabnik and Herb Sutter (softwareengineeringdaily.com)
- Show HN: ChatGPT for calorie tracking. Frictionless diet and exercise tracking (www.journable.com)
- Care Doesn't Scale (stevenscrawls.com)
- Bluesky Tech Starter Pack (github.com)