Hackernews posts about Three.js
- Kubota Future Cube in Three.js (www.kubota.com)
- Show HN: Optics Challenge – Design a solar concentrator for a non-round sun (nonimaging-conference.org)
- Show HN: Upload Memes on a Ball (5land.org)
- Show HN: Beautiful Failed Blackhole Simulation (mobleysoft.com)
- Show HN: Picto World – Upload Pictures onto the World (picto.world)
- 3D Map of Shinjuku Station in Three.js (satoshi7190.github.io)
- 3D framework for the web, built on Svelte and Three.js (threlte.xyz)
- Show HN: A football/soccer pass visualizer made with Three.js (statsbomb-3d-viz.vercel.app)
- Three.js Shading Language (github.com)
- Hand-Tracking with Three.js (rdtr01.xl.digital)
- Show HN: I made a puzzle game with Three.js (www.thomasfriday.com)
- Simple browser boat game using Three.js (stopnoanime.github.io)
- Show HN: Three.js mirror cube that stays in sync (mirror-cube.martinpiala.com)
- Show HN: Customizable Woodworking Plans with Three.js (beta.otterplans.com)
- Show HN: A football/soccer pass visualizer made with Three.js (statsbomb-3d-viz.vercel.app)
- 3D density-based spatial clustering with Three.js and Svelte (cybernetic.dev)
- Three.js – JavaScript 3D Library (threejs.org)
- Show HN: Shadowvane – A cross-platform Soulslike MMO (built in Node/Three.js) (www.playshadowvane.com)
- Show HN: Shadowvane: A Soulslike MMO (Built in Node/Three.js) (www.playshadowvane.com)
- Making the Resend cube from scratch using Three.js (petttr1.github.io)
- Glowing-tree – Three.js tree experiment (robpayot.github.io)
- 3D scene spanning multiple windows using Three.js and localStorage (bgstaal.github.io)
- Sveltroid – Metroid Prime Demo Using Svelte, Three.js, and Cannon-Es (sveltroid.vercel.app)
- Wind Waker JavaScript – Zelda Three.js Game (wind-waker-js.vercel.app)
- Moebius Effect in Three.js (txstc55.github.io)
- Three.js Development in 2023 (brettkromkamp.com)