Hackernews posts about React
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that combines the efficiency of a virtual DOM with declarative coding and a robust ecosystem of tools and libraries.
- Five years of React Native at Shopify (shopify.engineering)
- China to Build Thorium Molten-Salt Reactor in 2025 (spectrum.ieee.org)
- You don't need Next.js – Why we migrated from Next to React (www.comfydeploy.com)
- The Egg, an at Home Nuclear Reactor (enron.com)
- My 3D SWE Portfolio – Built with React Three Fiber (dement.dev)
- France Links First New Nuclear Reactor to Grid Since 1999 (finance.yahoo.com)
- I wish your bespoke React-Tailwind-etc. static site generator had RSS (rakhim.exotext.com)
- ReAct Prompting: A Strategic Look at Next-Gen LLM Interactions (sebgnotes.com)
- My Gen Z kids had a surprising reaction to 'Dead Poets Society' (www.upworthy.com)
- Nuclear reactor funded/built by Genshin Impact developer miHoYo is operational (www.sportskeeda.com)
- Superglue 1.0: React <3 Rails (thoughtbot.com)
- Radon IDE for React Native (ide.swmansion.com)
- Show HN: Animated Wallpaper – Reacts to Mouse (pagesword.com)
- Private nuclear reactor - The Egg by Enron (enron.com)
- Show HN: I built an open-source collection of fancy and useless react components (www.fancycomponents.dev)
- The Time for React Native Is Now (galaxies.dev)
- Skip makes your back end reactive (skiplabs.io)
- Five Years of React Native at Shopify (shopify.engineering)
- React Native mobile release management (teardown.dev)