Hackernews posts about React
React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces that combines the efficiency of a virtual DOM with declarative coding and a robust ecosystem of tools and libraries.
- Show HN: TypeLeap: LLM Powered Reactive Intent UI/UX (www.typeleap.com)
- Stop Using and Recommending React (blog.lusito.info)
- ReactOS 0.4.15 Released (reactos.org)
- ReactOS 0.4.15 (reactos.org)
- New React Native Framework for Enterprise (dev.grabbou.xyz)
- Boston Metal shows industrial reactor that uses electricity to make steel (www.technologyreview.com)
- Teleo-Reactive Programs (web.archive.org)
- React Native ExecuTorch – Simplest way to run AI models on device in RN (www.producthunt.com)
- Marimo: Open-source reactive notebook for Python (marimo.io)
- Forbidden electrocyclic reactions can be more allowed than previously thought (www.chemistryworld.com)
- Why React is the best model for LLM workflows (www.gensx.com)
- ReactDevTools like tool for Phoenix Liveview (blog.swmansion.com)
- An author reacts after finding 15 publications used by Meta to train its AI (thesiswhisperer.com)
- React Clean Architecture (github.com)
- Web Without Walls – Dan Abramov – React Universe Conf 2024 (www.youtube.com)
- Writing static websites with Vite and React (blog.carlosn.com.br)
- France Delays Target for New Nuclear Reactor Startup to 2038 (www.bloomberg.com)
- ReactOS Can Now Boot with the Windows Audio Stack but No Sound Due to Bugs (www.phoronix.com)
- Csp: Reactive stream processing in C++ and Python (github.com)
- Show HN: Docsforge.app – generate customer help docs from your React components (www.docsforge.app)
- Beyond Reactionary Politics: It Is Urgent for Democrats to Adapt and Realign (www.normansoven.com)