Hackernews posts about Tolkien
Tolkien is a renowned English author, philologist, and professor best known for creating the fictional Middle-earth world and characters in his fantasy stories.
- Fairy Stories by JRR Tolkien[pdf] (coolcalvary.com)
- Show HN: iOS app that corrects your form in real time using your phone's camera (www.firefly.fitness)
- Antidepressants or Tolkien (antidepressantsortolkien.vercel.app)
- Why Tolkien Hated Dune (whitherthewest.com)
- Tolkien, 50 Years On (thecritic.co.uk)
- Copyright claim against Tolkien estate backfires on LOTR fanfiction author (www.theguardian.com)
- Karen Wynn Fonstad, Who Mapped Tolkien's Middle-Earth (www.nytimes.com)
- Guide to Tolkien's Letters (www.tolkienguide.com)
- Why Michael Moorcock Despises Tolkien and C. S. Lewis (mythcreants.com)
- Tolkien memorial unveiled at author's college (www.bbc.com)
- Karen Wynn Fonstad, Who Mapped Tolkien's Middle-Earth (www.nytimes.com)
- Ursula Le Guin, the Language of Earthsea, and Tolkien (2021) (johngarth.wordpress.com)
- Tolkien on machines, power, language, love, war, and everything else (nothinghuman.substack.com)
- The Ruins of Tolkien: Archaeology in the Lord of the Rings (jgeekstudies.org)
- Historic Places That Inspired Tolkien's Lord of the Rings (heritagecalling.com)
- Two Tolkiens on View (2019) (kirkcenter.org)
- J.R.R.Tolkien (en.wikipedia.org)
- Essay: On Fairy Stories by JRR Tolkien (1947) [pdf] (coolcalvary.com)
- Tolkien Criticism Today, Revisited (lareviewofbooks.org)
- Tolkien Towers Above the Genre Be Created, Original, Aspiring, Different (strangehorizons.com)
- Tolkien's Languages in the Lord of the Rings Soundtrack (www.elvish.org)
- Fall, Mortality, and the Machine: Tolkien and Technology (2012) (www.theatlantic.com)
- Guess If a Word Is an Antidepressant Drug or a JRR Tolkien Character (laughingsquid.com)
- JRR Tolkien – Enemy Of Progress (2002) (www.salon.com)
- Eagle and Child pub with Tolkien links sold (www.oxfordmail.co.uk)