Hackernews posts about uLisp
uLisp is a lightweight and efficient Lisp programming language designed specifically for microcontrollers, allowing developers to create interactive projects with ease.
Lisp the Raspberry Pi Pico
- Why I Chose Common Lisp (blog.djhaskin.com)
- Maxima in the browser using Embedded Common Lisp on WASM (maxima-on-wasm.pages.dev)
- Parinfer: Simpler Lisp Editing (shaunlebron.github.io)
- All Lisp indentation schemes are ugly (aartaka.me)
- OCRing Music from YouTube with Common Lisp (nickfa.ro)
- How the strengths of Lisp facilitate complex and flexible applications (2016) (pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
- Show HN: A Common Lisp implementation in development (savannah.nongnu.org)
- Why Racket? Why Lisp? (beautifulracket.com)
- Lisp Is Not an Acceptable Lisp (steve-yegge.blogspot.com)
- A Closed and Common Lisp (2021) (flooey.org)
- Why Lisp? (defungames.com)
- Make ANSI Common Lisp Available on Haiku (Again) (discuss.haiku-os.org)
- On: Lisp, on Lisp, and MySelf (b.pyrope.net)
- Lisp: What is the difference between quote and list? (stackoverflow.com)
- Compiling Lisp to Bytecode and Running It (healeycodes.com)
- Stevey's Blog Rants: Lisp Is Not an Acceptable Lisp (2006) (steve-yegge.blogspot.com)
- Options for Structured Data in Emacs Lisp (2018) (nullprogram.com)
- Lisp interpreter in a browser with Rust and WASM (vishpat.github.io)
- Bauble – a playground for making 3D art with Lisp and math (bauble.studio)
- I am (not) a failure: Lessons learned from six failed startup attempts (blog.rongarret.info)
- How many real numbers exist? New proof moves closer to an answer (2021) (www.quantamagazine.org)
- Best Data Visualization Projects of 2024 (flowingdata.com)
- The southern California fire event was accurately forecast on Jan 4 (weatherwest.com)