Hackernews posts about Lisp
Lisp is a programming language known for its unique prefix notation and macro systems that allows developers to extend its syntax and functionality.
- Maxima in the browser using Embedded Common Lisp on WASM (maxima-on-wasm.pages.dev)
- Schemesh: Fusion between Unix shell and Lisp REPL (github.com)
- Macintosh Allegro Common Lisp (www.macintoshrepository.org)
- How the strengths of Lisp facilitate complex and flexible applications (2016) (pmc.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov)
- Why Racket? Why Lisp? (beautifulracket.com)
- These years in Common Lisp: 2023-2024 in review (lisp-journey.gitlab.io)
- Java JIT Compiler and Runtime in Common Lisp (github.com)
- Schemesh: A Unix shell and Lisp REPL, fused together (github.com)
- Doug McIlroy: McCarthy Presents Lisp (2009) (paulgraham.com)
- Show HN: 42links: A bookmarking server, written in Lisp (code.rosaelefanten.org)
- Lisp: What is the difference between quote and list? (stackoverflow.com)
- Lisp Badge LE (2023) (www.technoblogy.com)
- Show HN: Modest – musical harmony library for Lua (github.com)
- Show HN: Chez Scheme txtar port from Go (git.sr.ht)
- Emacs Cursor Shapes (git.savannah.gnu.org)
- I am (not) a failure: Lessons learned from six failed startup attempts (blog.rongarret.info)
- Kayaker briefly swallowed by humpback whale in incident caught on video (www.washingtonpost.com)
- Iceberg A-23A could hit South Georgia Island, home to penguins, seabirds (www.washingtonpost.com)
- The History of Chopsticks (www.smithsonianmag.com)
- Mandaeans (en.wikipedia.org)
- A History of Western Eating Utensils, from the Fork to the Spork (www.smithsonianmag.com)
- What's Inside the Worst EBike? Reevo Teardown [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Origins of the Common Fork (leitesculinaria.com)
- NASA has a list of 10 rules for software development (www.cs.otago.ac.nz)