Hackernews posts about W22
W22 is the 22nd batch of startups accepted into Y Combinator, a well-known American seed funding firm that provides financial support and mentorship to early-stage startups.
- Lucid (YC W25): Generative World Models (www.ycombinator.com)
- Operation PX WW2 (en.wikipedia.org)
- WG21 C++ Committee Meeting Report, Hagenberg 2025 (old.reddit.com)
- Show HN: Interactive Drug Screening in Your Browser (app.bindwell.ai)
- Show HN: GitHub Leaderboard for Cohorts (ship-tracker.vercel.app)
- Show HN: Video processing pipeline for LLM – Python (github.com)
- Introduction of std:hive to the standard library (www.open-std.org)
- Report on the Work of the Government [pdf] (www.npc.gov.cn)
- The Fish Doorbell (visdeurbel.nl)
- $30 Thrift Store Find a $223,000 Jet Engine Valve (www.avweb.com)