Hackernews posts about WebGPU

WebGPU is an open-source API that enables developers to create high-performance, cross-platform graphics and compute applications in modern web browsers.

Related: Android   Chrome   PyTorch   Cloudflare Workers   Llama 3  
  1. What's Next for WebGPU (developer.chrome.com)
  2. Happy WebGPU Day (2023) (benschmidt.org)
  3. Chrome ships WebGPU (developer.chrome.com)
  4. WebGPU Fundamentals (webgpufundamentals.org)
  5. PyTorch for WebGPU (praeclarum.org)
  6. Learn WebGPU (eliemichel.github.io)
  7. WebGPU Technical Report (chromium.googlesource.com)
  8. WebGPU GPT Model Demo (www.kmeans.org)