Hackernews posts about Weka
- The unnecessary decline of U.S. numerical weather prediction (cliffmass.blogspot.com)
- Why ghosts wear clothes or white sheets (theconversation.com)
- The weak science behind psychedelics (www.theatlantic.com)
- Surveillance and the history of 19th-century wearable tech (thereader.mitpress.mit.edu)
- Norway's Wealth Tax Is Backfiring. Are Americans Paying Attention? (thedailyeconomy.org)
- Show HN: Weave - actually measure engineering productivity (app.workweave.ai)
- Meltwater from Greenland and the Arctic is weakening ocean circulation (theconversation.com)
- Our perverse respect for immense wealth allows Musk and Zuckerberg to run riot (www.theguardian.com)
- L.A. man accused of robbery string while wearing GPS ankle monitor (www.latimes.com)
- Drone-zapping laser weapons now effective (and cheap) reality (theconversation.com)
- The Great American Nuclear Weapons Upgrade (undark.org)
- Russia fines Google $20T,000T,000,000, Surpassing Global Wealth (easypalmo.com)
- US, China, agree machines must not be allowed to control nuclear weapons (www.theregister.com)
- U.S. Wealth Inequality: Gaps Remain Despite Widespread Wealth Gains (www.stlouisfed.org)
- Extreme Wealth Is Bad for Everyone – Especially the Wealthy (newrepublic.com)
- Show HN: Cmaxz – weather radar map viewer (altilunium.github.io)
- Exploiting Meta's Weaknesses, Deceptive Political Ads Thrived on Facebook (www.propublica.org)
- AI Weather Models Have Shown Promise This Hurricane Season (www.bloomberg.com)
- IBM sued again in storm over Weather Channel data sharing (www.theregister.com)