Hackernews posts about Yubikeys

Yubikeys is a type of authentication device used to provide an additional layer of security for online accounts by requiring physical possession of the device in addition to a password or other login credentials.

Related: Google  
  1. Relaying Yubikeys (cube0x0.github.io)
  2. Relaying Yubikeys (cube0x0.github.io)
  3. Relaying Yubikeys (cube0x0.github.io)
  4. How to Yubikey (debugging.works)
  5. How to weaponize the Yubikey (2019) (www.blackhillsinfosec.com)
  6. Yubikey 5.7 (www.yubico.com)
  7. Yubikey Authenticator (avc.mirror.xyz)