Hackernews posts about 68000

68000 is a family of 16/32-bit microprocessors designed by Motorola (now Freescale Semiconductor) in the late 1970s and early 1980s, widely used in personal computers during the early days of the PC industry.

Related: Motorola   IBM   8088  
  1. IBM PC 8088 replaced with a Motorola 68000 (microcorelabs.wordpress.com)
  2. The 68000 CPU Turns 45 (sonicstate.com)
  3. The 68000 CPU Turns 45 (sonicstate.com)
  4. The 68000 CPU turns 45 (sonicstate.com)
  5. IBM RISC System/6000 Family (computeradsfromthepast.substack.com)