Hackernews posts about Motorola

Motorola is an American technology company that played a significant role in the development of microprocessors and semiconductors, particularly during the 1970s to 1990s era of personal computing.

Related: 68000   6800   FPGA   IBM   iPhone   6502   Apollo   8088   68030  
  1. Edgware 1924: The Making of a Suburb (www.modernism-in-metroland.co.uk)
  2. IBM PC 8088 replaced with a Motorola 68000 (microcorelabs.wordpress.com)
  3. Motorola's 6809: The Best 8-Bit? (thechipletter.substack.com)
  4. What Happened to Motorola (www.chicagomag.com)
  5. The History of Motorola (www.abortretry.fail)