Hackernews posts about Chromium
Chromium is an open-source web browser project that serves as the basis for Google Chrome and other browsers, providing a fast, secure, and extensible foundation for web browsing.
- Better text rendering in Chromium-based browsers on Windows (developer.chrome.com)
- Chromium Ozone/Wayland: The Last Mile Stretch (nickdiego.dev)
- Blink Chromium on iOS (ci.chromium.org)
- Chromium Ozone/Wayland: The Last Mile Stretch (nickdiego.dev)
- Show HN: Clau-Perator – Computer Use Demo with Claude 3.7 (clauperator.com)
- Show HN: Quantum Safety Firefox browser add-on (addons.mozilla.org)
- Show HN: TLDR Sidebar for Chrome (tldr-chrome-extension.com)
- CDP should surface if a page target is an extension offscreen page (issues.chromium.org)
- Getting MathML to render properly in Chrome-based browsers (www.gilesthomas.com)
- Google is already pushing WEI into Chromium (github.com)
- Chromium bug bounty money tree browser (lyra.horse)
- Brave is a fork, not a Chromium reskin (twitter.com)
- Supermium – Chromium fork for Win 2003/XP and newer (win32subsystem.live)
- Sidechannel pixel-stealing attack works in Chromium on all modern GPUs (arstechnica.com)
- PSA: How to keep using adblockers on Chrome and Chromium (gist.github.com)
- Chromium uses web search for .internal TLD instead of opening URL (issues.chromium.org)
- SVG Chromium bug is more than 10 years old (bugs.chromium.org)
- Tampermonkey: Dev Mode will become mandatory for running userscripts in Chromium (www.tampermonkey.net)
- macOS Packaging for Ungoogled-Chromium (github.com)
- ChromiumOS Developer Guide, Programming languages and style (chromium.googlesource.com)
- Chromium jpegxl issue closed as won't fix (issues.chromium.org)
- Chromium has over 1600 command-line switches (peter.sh)
- Thorium: Cross-platform patched Chromium fork (github.com)
- Chromium Community Leader Calls WEI Critics “Bullies and Criminals” (groups.google.com)
- Electron Spins: a special case of Chromium mods (littlebearlabs.io)
- Google Is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser Is Safe (www.quippd.com)
- Google Chromium, sans integration with Google (github.com)
- Google Is Killing uBlock Origin. No Chromium Browser Is Safe (www.quippd.com)
- Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers (blog.chromium.org)
- Thorium – Radioactive Chromium Fork (github.com)
- Run Chromium on Vercel without external services (chromium-on-vercel.vercel.app)
- Discovering Headroll (CVE-2023–0704) in Chromium (canvatechblog.medium.com)
- Linux Foundation Announces the Launch of Supporters of Chromium-Based Browsers (www.linuxfoundation.org)
- Rust in Chromium (google.github.io)