Hackernews posts about Dagster
- Let's Build a Multi Agent System with Dagger [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Physical attractiveness outweighs intelligence in partner selection (www.psypost.org)
- Undergraduate shows that searches within hash tables can be much faster (www.quantamagazine.org)
- Sparse Voxels Rasterization: Real-Time High-Fidelity Radiance Field Rendering (svraster.github.io)
- Parser, Better, Faster, Stronger: A peek at the new dbt engine (docs.getdbt.com)
- iText PDF Library turns 25 (itextpdf.com)
- The new local data stack: Integrating Dagster, dbt and DuckDB (georgheiler.com)
- RLHF with Dagster and Modal (kyrylai.com)
- Dagster and the Decade of Data Engineering (dagster.io)
- Dagster vs. Airflow (www.plural.sh)
- Dagster saved $40k on ELT spend with embedded-elt (dagster.io)
- Scaling Dagster's DAG visualization to handle assets (dagster.io)
- Unlocking Advanced Metadata Extraction with the New DBT API in Dagster (georgheiler.com)
- Comparing Fivetran, Airbyte, Prefect, and Dagster (rxhl.notion.site)
- Building data pipelines with Dagster and Seafowl (www.splitgraph.com)
- Dagster vs. Airflow (www.plural.sh)
- Experience with Dagster.io? (dagster.io)
- Using Dagster to push data into Seafowl (www.splitgraph.com)
- Show HN: Dlt – Python library to automate the creation of datasets (colab.research.google.com)
- Show HN: Mr. Graph – A graph definition and execution library for Python (mr-graph.readthedocs.io)
- Show HN: Panda Patrol: Open-Source Data Pipeline Monitoring in < 5 Lines of Code (panda-patrol.vercel.app)
- Show HN: Valmi.io Open Source Reverse-ETL Engine (github.com)