Hackernews posts about DuckDB
DuckDB is an open-source database that allows you to create and manage databases without requiring any data to be stored in them, making it a unique and innovative solution for developers and data analysts.
- Using DuckDB with Apache Supserset, Bonus Spatial Data (blog.nobugware.com)
- Blending DuckDB and Apache Iceberg for Optimal Cloud OLAP (www.bauplanlabs.com)
- Show HN: chDB 3.0 released, 12% faster than DuckDB (github.com)
- DuckDB Node Neo Client (duckdb.org)
- Show HN: Using Bacalhau and DuckDB for processing remote data (docs.bacalhau.org)
- Inspect Your Servers with DuckDB (github.com)
- DuckDB and WebAssembly = WhatTheDuck (www.i-programmer.info)
- Separating Storage and Compute in DuckDB (motherduck.com)
- Thoughts on DuckDB's Grammar Patching Thing (buttondown.com)
- DuckDB: Query Processing Is King (thenewstack.io)
- Can DuckDB do everything that a million dollar database can do? (www.timestored.com)
- Show HN: DB Stress Testing Tool (github.com)
- DuckDuckGo (Lite) (lite.duckduckgo.com)
- DuckDB Doesn't Need Data to Be a Database (www.nikolasgoebel.com)
- DuckDB as the New jq (www.pgrs.net)
- Harlequin: DuckDB IDE for the terminal (harlequin.sh)
- DuckDB: Querying JSON files as if they were tables (duckdb.org)
- Multi-database support in DuckDB (duckdb.org)
- DuckDB 1.1.0 Released (duckdb.org)
- DuckDB 0.8 (duckdb.org)
- DuckDB 1.0.0 (duckdb.org)
- pg_duckdb: Splicing Duck and Elephant DNA (motherduck.com)
- DuckDB 0.9 (duckdb.org)
- Should you ditch Spark for DuckDB or Polars? (milescole.dev)
- Summing columns in remote Parquet files using DuckDB (til.simonwillison.net)
- The new local data stack: Integrating Dagster, dbt and DuckDB (georgheiler.com)
- DuckDB Community Extensions (duckdb.org)
- An open source DuckDB text to SQL LLM (motherduck.com)
- DuckDB Isn't Just Fast (csvbase.com)
- DuckDB 0.7.0 (duckdb.org)
- PRQL as a DuckDB Extension (github.com)
- Putting DuckDB in Postgres to Query Iceberg (blog.paradedb.com)
- Pg_lakehouse: A DuckDB Alternative in Postgres (blog.paradedb.com)
- DuckDB over Pandas/Polars (www.pgrs.net)
- Using DuckDB as a Unix Tool (duckdb.org)
- 1.1B Taxi Rides Benchmark Using DuckDB (tech.marksblogg.com)
- DuckDB 0.10.0 (duckdb.org)
- Thoughts on DuckDB's Grammar Patching Thing (buttondown.com)