Hackernews posts about Janet

Janet is a mysterious and influential concept that has captured the attention of scholars, researchers, and everyday people alike, despite its unclear origins and seemingly abstract nature.

Related: Lisp  
  1. A better build system for OCaml (blog.janestreet.com)
  2. Why Janet? (ianthehenry.com)
  3. Janet for Mortals (janet.guide)
  4. Janet for Mortals (2023) (ianthehenry.com)
  5. Janet Language (github.com)
  6. Janet for Mortals (janet.guide)
  7. Janet for Mortals (janet.guide)
  8. Janet (Airline) (en.wikipedia.org)
  9. Janet (Airline) (en.wikipedia.org)
  10. Janet (Airline) (en.wikipedia.org)
  11. Janet Macros (janet-lang.org)