Hackernews posts about Keras
- Show HN: We built the Keras of LLMs (github.com)
- Osteo-Odonto-Keratoprosthesis (OOKP) (en.wikipedia.org)
- Dear Mr. Vice President, Please Take Off Your Apple Watch (www.watchesofespionage.com)
- Made a tool for generating diagrams of your codebase (www.eraser.io)
- Keras 3.0 (keras.io)
- Google loses yet another AI pioneer as Keras creator leaves (www.neowin.net)
- François Chollet – Creating Keras 3 [video] (www.youtube.com)
- LLM on Android with Keras and TensorFlow Lite (ai.google)
- Response to Google's Keras-PyTorch Benchmarks (gist.github.com)
- Keras 3 for R (blogs.rstudio.com)
- PaliGemma Keras Quickstart (colab.research.google.com)
- Release: Keras 3.3.0 (github.com)
- Keras Datasets for Building and Training Deep Learning Models (hackernoon.com)
- Keras creator François Chollet leaves Google (twitter.com)
- Show HN: I wrote optimizers for TensorFlow and Keras (github.com)
- Gemma Models in Keras (developers.googleblog.com)
- Keras 3: A new multi-back end Keras (github.com)
- Keras Applications (keras.io)
- Training NeRF Models with Keras/TensorFlow and DeepVision (stackabuse.com)
- What does it mean to have ‘epochs=30 in Keras' fit method given certain data? (ai.stackexchange.com)
- Show HN: Visual Sudoku solver in the browser (sudoku.dotslashdan.com)
- The limitations of deep learning (2017) (blog.keras.io)