Hackernews posts about TensorFlow
TensorFlow is an open-source machine learning framework developed by Google, widely used for building and training artificial neural networks.
- MapReduce, TensorFlow, Vertex: Google's bet to avoid repeating history in AI (www.supervised.news)
- Guide to Using TensorFlow in Rust (blog.logrocket.com)
- LLMs On-Device with MediaPipe and TensorFlow Lite (developers.googleblog.com)
- Using Adafruit EdgeBadge with TensorFlow and PyBadge to Make Wedding Invites (petridishtalk.com)
- Federated Learning Quickstart with Flower and TensorFlow [video] (www.youtube.com)
- LLM on Android with Keras and TensorFlow Lite (ai.google)
- TensorFlow Lite is now LiteRT (developers.googleblog.com)
- Team demonstrates differentiable Swift compiler outrunning TensorFlow by 322X (www.globenewswire.com)
- PyTorch has won: 59% of papers use it vs. 5% for TensorFlow (paperswithcode.com)
- Massive issues with TensorFlow GPU on Mac (forums.developer.apple.com)
- Deterring foxes and badgers with TensorFlow Lite (medium.com)
- Show HN: gpt-tfjs – GPT model in TensorFlow.js (github.com)
- TensorFlow, Rust, and Go: An Unholy Union for Cross-Platform Inferences (www.clarkmccauley.com)
- BeagleY-AI SBC review with Debian 12, TensorFlow Lite, other AI demos (www.cnx-software.com)
- AMD Releases ROCm 6.2 with New Components, Improves PyTorch and TensorFlow (www.phoronix.com)
- Python Tutorial: Use TensorFlow to Generate Predictive Text (thenewstack.io)
- Python Tutorial: Use TensorFlow to Generate Predictive Text (thenewstack.io)
- TensorFlow with Matlab (blog.tensorflow.org)
- Pipper Installs TensorFlow on Macs (github.com)
- TensorFlow-metal on Apple Mac is junk for training (github.com)
- Does anyone know if it would be possible to use TensorFlow OCR in TFjs? (www.tensorflow.org)