Hackernews posts about LLM
LLM is a type of large language model that uses artificial intelligence and machine learning algorithms to generate human-like text responses.
- Something weird is happening with LLMs and chess (dynomight.substack.com)
- YC is wrong about LLMs for chip design (www.zach.be)
- Detecting when LLMs are uncertain (www.thariq.io)
- Garak, LLM Vulnerability Scanner (github.com)
- DeepSeek v2.5 – open-source LLM comparable to GPT-4, but 95% less expensive (www.deepseek.com)
- Using LLMs to enhance our testing practices (www.assembled.com)
- Qwen2.5-Coder-32B is an LLM that can code well that runs on my Mac (simonwillison.net)
- gptel: a simple LLM client for Emacs (github.com)
- Everything I've learned so far about running local LLMs (nullprogram.com)
- Meta Uses LLMs to Improve Incident Response (www.tryparity.com)
- Something weird is happening with LLMs and Chess (dynomight.net)
- LLMs have reached a point of diminishing returns (garymarcus.substack.com)
- Choose Boring Technology and LLMs (www.maragu.dev)
- Using a BCI with LLM for enabling ALS patients to speak again with family (thevccorner.substack.com)
- Why LLMs Within Software Development May Be a Dead End (thenewstack.io)
- Jeopardy game using LLM and Python (github.com)
- Brute-Forcing the LLM Guardrails (medium.com)
- LLMs Aren't Thinking, They're Just Counting Votes (vishnurnair.substack.com)
- Please take our programming assessment with an LLM (creatingvalue.substack.com)