Hackernews posts about Macintosh
Macintosh is a line of personal computers designed and developed by Apple Inc., known for their innovative user-friendly interface and iconic design.
- Apple Macintosh before System 7 (earlymacintosh.org)
- Infinite Mac: Macintosh Garden Library (blog.persistent.info)
- ChipWits Macintosh/Commodore 64 Forth source code released (chipwits.com)
- Building a $14 Macintosh[video] (www.youtube.com)
- Building a $14 Macintosh [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Apple Macintosh before System 7 (earlymacintosh.org)
- Infinite Mac: Macintosh Garden Library (blog.persistent.info)
- Open Sesame 1.1 (vintage Mac automation software based on early neural nets) (www.macintoshrepository.org)
- Bose Acquires McKintosh (www.theverge.com)
- AWS Panorama Appliance (www.amazon.com)
- MicroMac, a Macintosh for under £5 (axio.ms)
- Windows NT for Power Macintosh (github.com)
- Sierra’s Macintosh Timebomb (2021) (www.benshoof.org)
- Stapler: I remade a 32 year old classic Macintosh app (blog.gingerbeardman.com)
- Why did Borland ignore the Macintosh market? (retrocomputing.stackexchange.com)
- Miniature Macintosh with Raspberry Pi (www.hackster.io)
- Designing the First Apple Macintosh: The Engineers’ Story (1984) (spectrum.ieee.org)
- An Apple district manager's Macintosh Portable in 1989-91 (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
- Turning an iPad Pro into the Ultimate Classic Macintosh (2021) (blog.gingerbeardman.com)
- Some strange Macintosh computers (arstechnica.com)
- Emulating the Early Macintosh Floppy Drive (thomasw.dev)
- When the Power Macintosh Ran NetWare (Featuring Wormhole and Cyberpunk) (oldvcr.blogspot.com)
- 32by32 – Macintosh History from the 1980s (32by32.com)
- The Brewintosh, a 3D Printed Full-Size Macintosh [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Preliminary Macintosh Business Plan (12 July 1981) [pdf] (archive.computerhistory.org)
- Exploring the Macintosh ROM (2019) (macgui.com)
- Tetris Max 2.9.1 and Macintosh System 6.0.8 Bugs (www.bigmessowires.com)
- The Apple Macintosh Primer (1984) [pdf] (vintageapple.org)
- "Inside Macintosh" in electronic format (spinsidemacintosh.neocities.org)
- An Interview: The Macintosh Design Team (1984) (computeradsfromthepast.substack.com)
- What changed CPU performance from the Macintosh 128K to the M3? (eclecticlight.co)
- Getting Started with Macintosh Programming: Circa 1998 (1997) (preserve.mactech.com)
- Sinclair's QL computer outshined Apple's Macintosh against all odds (www.theregister.com)
- Notion for Macintosh System 7 (68kmla.org)