Hackernews posts about Electron
Electron is a popular open-source framework for building cross-platform desktop applications using web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.
- Show HN: Berlin Swapfest – Electronics flea market (www.swapfest.berlin)
- The HP-35: Consumer Electronics, an Origin Story (codex99.com)
- Electronic devices used for car thefts set to be banned (www.bbc.co.uk)
- The Electronic Frontier Foundation (www.eff.org)
- The Dangers Lurking in the U.K.'S Plan for Electronic Eavesdropping (www.lawfaremedia.org)
- Electron-beam induced electro-force field display for a biomanipulation system (iopscience.iop.org)
- Was nonsense 'vegetative electron microscopy' phrase a Farsi typo? (retractionwatch.com)
- USAID project to set up the East African Community Electronic Single Window (crookedtimber.org)
- Kuwait suspends electronic banking for 60K with biometrics unregistered (2024) (www.biometricupdate.com)
- Graphics and UI editor for electronic projects (hackaday.com)
- Legal Recourse Against Electronic Harassment, Including V2K (www.lexisandcompany.com)
- Autonomous platform for solution processing of electronic polymers (www.nature.com)
- Build Custom Electronic Components in Just an Hour (spectrum.ieee.org)
- Show HN: Weekly Electronics Email Digest (blaze.email)
- Primer: Core Concepts in Electronic Circuits (lcamtuf.substack.com)
- Active Electronically Scanned Array (en.wikipedia.org)