Hackernews posts about Neovim
Neovim is an open-source, community-driven project that aims to create a next-generation vi editor, designed as a drop-in replacement for the classic Vim editor, offering improved performance, features, and extensibility.
- So you want to write Java in Neovim (ptrtojoel.dev)
- Neovim Configuration: One File to Rule Them All (www.youtube.com)
- Python Textual – Neovim Plugin for .tcss Files (github.com)
- Neovim as External Editor for Godot (simondalvai.org)
- Neovim Configuration: One File to Rule Them All (jacksmith.xyz)
- Show HN: GitHub Wrapped – analyzing every file change in every commit (www.wrapped.dev)
- Leaving Neovim for Zed (stevedylan.dev)
- What's New in Neovim 0.10 (gpanders.com)
- Show HN: CodeGPT.nvim – ChatGPT plugin for Neovim (github.com)
- Firenvim – Turn the browser into a Neovim client (github.com)
- LaTeX and Neovim for technical note-taking (www.ejmastnak.com)
- Rust, RR, Neovim: A perfect debug combination (github.com)
- My (Neo)Vim workflow (seniormars.com)
- Neovim 0.9 (github.com)
- Neorg – organize your life in Neovim (github.com)
- Why not just embed Neovim? (zed.dev)
- Effective Neovim: An Instant IDE [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Neovim v0.9.5 Released (github.com)
- Neovim decision to use Lua is paying off (old.reddit.com)
- The complete guide to iOS and macOS development in Neovim (wojciechkulik.pl)
- GitHub bans Neovim plugin creator and deletes repos (old.reddit.com)
- Italic text in Alacritty, tmux, and Neovim (michenriksen.com)
- Show HN: BetterVim – Neovim Distribution as a Product (bettervim.com)
- Why I'm using (Neo)Vim as a Data Engineer and Writer in 2023 (www.sspaeti.com)
- What can Emacs learn from Neovim's rise in popularity? (old.reddit.com)
- Neovim 0.10 (neovim.io)