Hackernews posts about C++

C++ is a high-performance, compiled programming language known for its efficiency, reliability, and flexibility, particularly in developing operating systems, games, and other applications that require direct memory management and control.

Related: Rust   Python   Ruby   Google   Zig   Nim   GTK4   Haskell   Julia   Windows   Elasticsearch   Swift   Forth   Java   Ben Eater   6502  
  1. 21st Century C++ (cacm.acm.org)
  2. 21st Century C++ (cacm.acm.org)
  3. C++26: Pack Indexing (www.sandordargo.com)
  4. Welcome Back to C++(2022) (learn.microsoft.com)
  5. Type Inference in Rust and C++ (herecomesthemoon.net)
  6. Type Inference in Rust and C++ (herecomesthemoon.net)
  7. 21st Century C++ (cacm.acm.org)
  8. Multithreading in Modern C++ (www.modernescpp.com)
  9. C++ compiler daemon testing tool (nibblestew.blogspot.com)