Hackernews posts about OpenBSD
OpenBSD is a free and open-source operating system known for its high-security standards and minimalistic approach to software development.
- Deploying Sinatra Applications on OpenBSD in 2025 (users.glitchwrks.com)
- I've Configure OpenBSD and FreeBSD for an IPv6 WiFi (vincentdelft.be)
- OpenBSD – OpenBGPD 8.8 Released (www.undeadly.org)
- The Video Game History Foundation library opens in early access (gamehistory.org)
- US Judge invalidates blood glucose sensor patent, opens door for Apple Watch (www.patentlyapple.com)
- Show HN: A new fork of OpenDeepResearcher with DeepSeek R1 (www.youtube.com)
- OpenSSH Security Advisory (www.qualys.com)
- OpenSSH security advisory (AV25-092) (www.cyber.gc.ca)
- Tumbleweed Adopts SELinux as Default (news.opensuse.org)
- We have reached OpenBSD of Theseus (marc.info)
- OpenBSD 7.5 (www.openbsd.org)
- OpenBSD KDE Plasma Desktop (rsadowski.de)
- OpenBSD 7.3 (www.openbsd.org)
- OpenBSD/ARM64 on Hetzner Cloud (www.undeadly.org)
- Wayland on OpenBSD (xenocara.org)
- OpenBSD PF versus FreeBSD PF (mwl.io)
- OpenBSD – pinning all system calls (marc.info)
- Porting OpenBSD Pledge() to Linux (2022) (justine.lol)
- OpenBSD 7.4 (www.openbsd.org)
- What every IT person needs to know about OpenBSD (2021) (nxdomain.no)
- OpenBSD now enforcing no invalid NUL characters in shell scripts (www.undeadly.org)
- Some OpenBSD features that aren't widely known (dataswamp.org)
- OpenBSD Innovations (www.openbsd.org)
- OpenBSD cron(8) now supports random ranges with steps (undeadly.org)
- OpenBSD Workstation Hardening (dataswamp.org)
- OpenBSD: Malloc leak detection available in -current (www.undeadly.org)
- OpenBSD Desktop (x61.ar)
- OpenBSD: Shutdown/reboot now require membership of group _shutdown (www.undeadly.org)
- OpenBSD, the computer appliance maker's secret weapon (hiandrewquinn.github.io)
- Using OpenBSD Relayd(8) as an Application Layer Gateway (www.tumfatig.net)
- OpenBSD – Coming soon to a -current system near you: parallel raw IP input (www.undeadly.org)
- OpenBSD System-Call Pinning (lwn.net)
- OpenBSD 7.4 (www.openbsd.org)
- Personal Mail Server on OpenBSD (2019) (nicolascarpi.github.io)
- OpenBSD is a cozy operating system (btxx.org)
- New code for SIGILL faults to help identify misbranches on OpenBSD (www.undeadly.org)
- OpenBSD: AMD processor microcode support added to -current (undeadly.org)