Hackernews posts about Pixel
Pixel is a brand of smartphone manufactured by Google that has been plagued by software issues and misuse, leading to various problems for its users.
- Sub-pixel distance transform (2023) (acko.net)
- A Pixel Parable (olano.dev)
- PixLens: A lens that turns the scenery you see into pixel art (monoli-shop.com)
- Meta Is Blocking Links to Decentralized Instagram Competitor Pixelfed (www.404media.co)
- Meta admits it deleted links to decentralized Instagram competitor Pixelfed (www.engadget.com)
- Meta admits it deleted links to decentralized Instagram competitor Pixelfed (consent.yahoo.com)
- Leaving a permanent record of humanity on the moon – in 100B pixels (www.aljazeera.com)
- The Day Google Killed the Pixel 4a (www.lambdalatitudinarians.org)
- Pixel 4a Battery Performance Program (support.google.com)
- Decentralized Instagram alternative Pixelfed launches mobile apps (techcrunch.com)
- A Pixel Parable (olano.dev)
- Pixels Per Degree (qasimk.io)
- Decentralized Instagram alternative Pixelfed launches mobile apps (techcrunch.com)
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon (shatteredpixel.com)
- Behind the Pixels: The Math Driving Image Editing (adityachaturvedi.com)
- Pixeldrain end of year recap. The end of a fairly stressful year (www.patreon.com)
- Shattered Pixel Dungeon in 2025 (shatteredpixel.com)
- If the moon were only one pixel (www.joshworth.com)
- Show HN: A simple image resizer to 3000x3000 pixels and an experience (3000x3000-image-converter.com)
- PixLens: Lens That Pixelates Objects (monoli-shop.com)
- On pixels, PPI and PPD (2016) (zonglongptp.wordpress.com)
- AOL Desktop in 2025 – 512 Pixels (512pixels.net)
- Pixeltable: Store, transform, index, and iterate on data for ML (pixeltable.com)
- Rendering Fractals by Optimizing Pixels in Jax (tripplyons.com)
- Flowing from Words to Pixels: A Framework for Cross-Modality Evolution (cross-flow.github.io)
- Show HN: Tetris in a PDF (th0mas.nl)
- Show HN: Doom (1993) in a PDF (doompdf.pages.dev)