Hackernews posts about Posix
Posix is a standard for Unix-like operating systems that defines a set of APIs and utilities to ensure compatibility across different Unix variants.
- Gsh: A modern, POSIX-compatible, generative shell (github.com)
- POSIX Threading for FreeRTOS (github.com)
- The Magnetic North Pole Has Officially Changed Position: ScienceAlert (www.sciencealert.com)
- China Tells Chief Economists: Be Positive, or Else (www.wsj.com)
- 46,864,037,361 unique starting positions in chess (github.com)
- Show HN: Random Positive Reward App for iPhone (apps.apple.com)
- Positive Emotions from Brain Injury: The Emergence of Mirth and Happiness (2020) (onlinelibrary.wiley.com)
- Transformer Architecture: The Positional Encoding (kazemnejad.com)
- Virtual Employees to erode the entry-level and mid-tier positions (salesforcedevops.net)
- Show HN: Sprout, a positive psychology app for mental health (thesproutapp.com)
- CSS Anchor Positioning API (developer.chrome.com)