Hackernews posts about Redis
Redis is an open-source, in-memory data structure store that allows developers to quickly and efficiently store and retrieve data in a variety of formats, such as strings, lists, sets, maps, and more.
- Fixing a real world bug in Redis vector sets with LLMs [video] (www.youtube.com)
- The global redistributor we never hear about: money sent by migrants (ourworldindata.org)
- Hierarchical rate limiting with Redis sorted sets (rednafi.com)
- RAG with Redis (redis.io)
- Show HN: Cardstock- Free TCG Proxy Manager for Magic, Yugioh, & Pokemon (cardstock.denta.co)
- Show HN: SecureShare – P2P file/text sharing with no size limits, no servers (www.securityshare.xyz)
- Show HN: Ask questions about YouTube videos without watching them (www.askvids.com)
- Show HN: LogQL – Monitor Your GraphQL API (logql.io)
- Show HN: Cardstock- Free TCG Proxy Manager for Magic, Yugioh, & Pokemon (cardstock.denta.co)
- Northeastern's redesign of the CS curriculum (huntnewsnu.com)
- Revisiting the NetBSD Build System (blogsystem5.substack.com)
- The Movement to Redirect Billions of Taxpayer Dollars to Private Schools (www.propublica.org)
- Overcoming Resistance to Extreme Programming (benjiweber.co.uk)
- Show HN: Npflared serveless private NPM registry that you can host for free (npflared.thomas-cogez.fr)
- Deformable Image Registration KU Repository (github.com)
- Most cars registered in Texas won't need to pass a safety inspection (www.texastribune.org)