Hackernews posts about Svelte
Svelte is a lightweight JavaScript framework that allows developers to build fast, efficient, and highly customizable web applications by compiling code into optimized and reusable components.
- Svelte 5 and the Future of Frameworks: A Chat with Rich Harris (www.smashingmagazine.com)
- Svelte – Docs for LLMs (svelte.dev)
- Show HN: I made a Svelte 5 boilerplate to ship 12 products in 2025 (svelteappfast.com)
- Modal File Manager: V2 Updated to Svelte5 (github.com)
- Svelte standalone: cross plataform tool to create JavaScript embedabbles (svelte-standalone.vercel.app)
- Show HN: Stock/Crypto/Forex News Alerts and Watchlist (stocknewsalerts.net)
- TIL Llms.txt for the Web (svelte.dev)
- Show HN: Sveltos – Event-Driven Tool for Kubernetes Add-Ons and App Deployment (sveltos.projectsveltos.io)
- Show HN: How I built a SaaS thanks to my wife (pdfbolt.com)
- How does cost of housing figure into the consumer price index? It's complicated (www.marketplace.org)
- An experiment in UI density created with Svelte (cybernetic.dev)
- Svelte 5: Runes (svelte.dev)
- Svelte 5 Released (www.npmjs.com)
- Svelte 4 (svelte.dev)
- 3D framework for the web, built on Svelte and Three.js (threlte.xyz)
- Windows 11 in Svelte (github.com)
- Thoughts on Svelte (tyhopp.com)
- Thoughts on Svelte(Kit), one year and 3B requests later (claudioholanda.ch)
- LiveView Is Best with Svelte (blog.sequin.io)
- A SvelteKit template for building CMS-free editable websites (editable.website)
- Svelte is surprisingly easy to learn (kaviisuri.com)
- Svelte Native (svelte-native.technology)
- Zoomable Circles, a Svelte component for hierarchical data (www.npmjs.com)
- Svelte is a language (gist.github.com)
- Clean front end architecture with SvelteKit (nikoheikkila.fi)
- Svelte 4 (svelte.dev)
- Show HN: AI Tool Is Now Supporting React, Angular, CSS, Svelte, Vue (www.webcrumbs.org)
- Svelte 5 is going to be radical (twitter.com)
- Show HN: Svelte Flow – a library for creating node-based UIs (svelteflow.dev)
- Show HN: Travel site made with Midjourney, GPT4 and Svelte (meoweler.com)
- Svelte 5 (svelte.dev)
- Reflections on Migrating My SaaS to SvelteKit (sveltekitsaas.com)
- Show HN: Just Ship, a free and open source SvelteKit SaaS boilerplate (www.justship.today)
- PrimateJS: Svelte and Htmx Quick Start (primatejs.com)
- Unlocking view transitions in SvelteKit 1.24 (svelte.dev)