Hackernews posts about TypeScript
TypeScript is a statically typed JavaScript programming language that helps developers catch errors early and improve code maintainability by adding optional static typing to JavaScript.
- Show HN: WebGPU + TypeScript Slime Mold (github.com)
- Show HN: TypeScriptNotebook – Experiment with NPM in the Browser (typescriptnotebook.com)
- Node.js enables TypeScript handling by default (nodejs.org)
- Mindfulness in TypeScript code branching, or how to if/else (monadical.com)
- Node's new built-in support for TypeScript (2ality.com)
- Node.js can now run TypeScript directly (github.com)
- JSDoc types are not TypeScript types (jcbhmr.me)
- Bad Ideas in TypeScript (www.frontendjoy.com)
- Node.js now supports TypeScript by default (www.totaltypescript.com)
- End-to-End API Testing with Arazzo, TypeScript, and Deno (www.speakeasy.com)
- Detect and remove dead code automatically with "TypeScript Remove (tsr)" (kazushikonosu.io)
- Code Like a Journalist: Data analysis and visualization course using TypeScript (www.code-like-a-journalist.com)
- JSDoc as an Alternative TypeScript Syntax (alexharri.com)
- TypeScript runtime type predicate generator (peter-leonov.github.io)
- Show HN: I rewrote my resume with TypeScript, HTML, CSS, and Vite (travisbumgarner.dev)
- Is the TypeScript vs. JavaScript debate overblown? (www.osohq.com)
- Show HN: WebGPU + TypeScript Slime Mold Simulation (github.com)