Hackernews posts about Edge
Edge is Microsoft's web browser that sends viewed online images to its servers for processing, forcing users to open links in Edge and Teams by default, much to the dismay of IT admins.
- EdgeDB is now Gel and Postgres is the future (www.geldata.com)
- Coral USB Accelerator with Google's Edge TPU (coral.ai)
- Sorry, you're not getting Microsoft Edge off of your PC (www.techradar.com)
- Microsoft clickbaits users with useless 'How to Uninstall Microsoft Edge' doc (www.tomshardware.com)
- Microsoft Edge Disables uBlock Origin and Other Manifest V2 Extensions (windowsreport.com)
- Cutting-edge web scraping techniques at NICAR (simonwillison.net)
- Autofill breaks textarea in Microsoft Edge (login.microsoftonline.com)
- Reinvention on the Edge of Tomorrow [pdf] (www.pwc.com)
- Microsoft Edge Textarea Content Truncation During Autofill (learn.microsoft.com)
- Cutting-edge web scraping techniques (github.com)
- StarlingX 10: Support for Dual-Stack Networking at the Edge (thenewstack.io)
- A vague Pentagon memo has some contractors on edge (federalnewsnetwork.com)
- Demonstrating a Quantum Edge in a Coloring Game (physics.aps.org)
- Microsoft Edge Developer VM Remote Code Execution (infosec.rm-it.de)
- Flying the U-2 Spy Plane 70k Feet to the Edge of Space [video] (www.youtube.com)
- ThingsBoard Edge Update – Now with Kafka and Cassandra Support (thingsboard.io)
- Cutting-edge web scraping techniques from nicar 2025 (github.com)
- Microsoft Edge and Interop 2025 (blogs.windows.com)
- Sending Signals Like Neurons Do (At the Edge of Chaos) [video] (www.youtube.com)
- Network edge gets 64-bit ARMv9 AI. And watches. And server remote management (www.theregister.com)