Hackernews posts about PostgreSQL
PostgreSQL is an open-source relational database management system that provides a robust and feature-rich platform for storing, managing, and analyzing large amounts of data.
- PostgreSQL is the Database Management System of the Year 2024 (db-engines.com)
- PostgreSQL Anonymizer (postgresql-anonymizer.readthedocs.io)
- PostgreSQL Support for Certificate Transparency Logs Now Available (blog.transparency.dev)
- PostgreSQL index management in production systems (purushotham.me)
- Apache AGE: Graph Database for PostgreSQL (age.apache.org)
- PgDog: Load Balancer for PostgreSQL (pgdog.dev)
- Anatomy of Table-Level Locks in PostgreSQL (pgroll.com)
- PostgreSQL JDBC Driver (jdbc.postgresql.org)
- Lessons learned building an Oracle to PostgreSQL migrator (www.cybertec-postgresql.com)
- Static and dynamic pivots in PostgreSQL (2018) (postgresql.verite.pro)
- PostgreSQL Tools for the Visually Inclined (2019) (bigmachine.io)
- Materialized View Strategies Using PostgreSQL (2015) (hashrocket.com)
- Show HN: PgDog, Load Balancer for PostgreSQL (github.com)
- The power of open source in PostgreSQL (www.cybertec-postgresql.com)
- How Zerodha Scaled Reporting with 7M PostgreSQL Tables (engineeringatscale.substack.com)
- Replicate Tables from PostgreSQL to Snowflake (www.ockam.io)
- Waiting for PostgreSQL 18: Add UUID version 7 generation function (www.depesz.com)