Hackernews posts about Figma
Figma is a cloud-based design and collaboration platform that allows users to create, prototype, and iterate on digital products and experiences in real-time.
- Replit, the Figma Replacement (nicbertino.com)
- Show HN: I'm Building an Alternative to Figma (octo.coffee)
- AI that can generate full stack apps from Figma designs (lovable.dev)
- Carthagine: Pixel Perfect Figma to React AI (carthagine.ai)
- Effortless Chart Creation for Figma Designs (chartsfordesigns.com)
- Show HN: I built an AI assistant to help my girlfriend learn Figma for Design (figma-ai-agent.vercel.app)
- Show HN: Effortless Chart Creation for Figma Designs (chartsfordesigns.com)
- Developers should embrace creative coding again (www.figma.com)
- Making Space for a Handmade Web (www.figma.com)
- The Rise of the Generalist (www.figma.com)
- Developers should embrace creative coding again (www.figma.com)
- FilmAgent – Multi-Agent Movie Framework (github.com)
- A Mathematician Who Makes the Best of Things (www.nytimes.com)
- NIST SRM 2781: Domestic Sludge (www.sigmaaldrich.com)
- Figma and Adobe abandon proposed merger (www.figma.com)
- How Figma's databases team lived to tell the scale (www.figma.com)
- Making Figma better for developers with Dev Mode (www.figma.com)
- Figma Slides (www.figma.com)
- DOJ Preps Antitrust Suit to Block Adobe’s $20B Figma Deal (www.bloomberg.com)
- Figma OSS Alternative (penpot.app)
- Keeping Figma Fast: perf-testing the WASM editor (www.figma.com)
- Adobe's buy of Figma is 'likely' bad for developers, rules UK regulator (www.theregister.com)
- Just paying Figma because nothing else works (fasterthanli.me)
- Figma’s Journey to TypeScript (www.figma.com)
- Figma Is a File Editor (digest.browsertech.com)
- Figma AI (www.figma.com)
- Adobe gives up on web-design product to rival Figma after deal collapse (www.bloomberg.com)
- The engineering behind Figma's vector networks (2019) (alexharri.com)
- Official Apple Design Resources for Figma – iOS 17 and iPadOS 17 (www.figma.com)
- Why Has Figma Reinvented the Wheel with PostgreSQL? (medium.com)
- Will Figma become an awkward middle ground? (www.dive.club)
- How we engineer feedback at Figma with eng crits (www.figma.com)
- Figma disables AI app design tool after it copied Apple's weather app (www.404media.co)
- Figma defaults to train AI models on personal data (help.figma.com)
- Uncle Sam to block Adobe absorption of Figma over monopoly fears (www.theregister.com)
- Figma removed `window.figma` on view-only pages today (forum.figma.com)